
hello! već jako dugo nisam ništa pisala...razloga ima dosta...obaveze, manjak inspiracije, ali dala sam si malo truda i promijenila dizajn... jedini razlog tomu što sam nailazila na mnogo blogova s onakvim dizajnom... nadam se da vam se i ovaj sviđa...trenutno ne mogu naći ništa bolje.... za kraj lyricsi jedne predivne pjesme:

...Good Enough...

Under your spell again.
I can't say no to you.
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand.
I can't say no to you.

Shouldn't have let you torture me so sweetly.
Now I can't let go of this dream.
I can't breathe but I feel...

Good enough,
I feel good enough for you.

Drink up sweet decadence.
I can't say no to you,
And I've completely lost myself, and I don't mind.
I can't say no to you.

Shouldn't let you conquer me completely.
Now I can't let go of this dream.
Can't believe that I feel...

Good enough,
I feel good enough.
It's been such a long time coming, but I feel good.

And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall.
Pour real life down on me.
'Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough.
Am I good enough for you to love me too?

So take care what you ask of me,
'cause I can't say no.

03.12.2007. | 00:11 | 17 Komentara | Printaj | * |

happy birthday to ME!!!

hellooo! kao što i naslov kaže danas mi je rođendan...
počeo je padati snijeg i to baš na današnji dan...jako je fora ovak kad se probudim i kad vidim vani snijeg...
ali baš i nije fora zato što ja baš i nisam ljubitelj snijega... ali preživjet ću....
naime...već sam jučer dobila jedan dar...jedan jako, jako, jako dobar dar... najbolji kojeg sam mogla poželjeti...
vrlo koristan...i baš je onak zgodan, sladak... heh... baš sam happy!
i tak, malo sam se morala pohvalit, a sad idem...
ljudi, uživajte u ziskim radostima, a neki veći, tj. pravi post idući puta... pozz svima! papa : )<

17.11.2007. | 07:58 | 15 Komentara | Printaj | * |

...just disappearing...

...zvuk njenih koraka para tišinu...
svuda je mrak...
miris straha u zraku...

vjetar povlači suho lišće po cesti...

mjesečina u njenim očima...
a u srcu...
kao ubojica nakon počinjenog zločina
samo neki bolesni osjećaj zadovoljstva...

korak za korakom....
sve dublje korača u tamu...
ali ona...
ona blista...
duša uhvaćena u ovome svijetu...

vjetar joj mrsi kovrče...

zatvorenih očiju...
i dalje korača...
u tamu...

dlanovi joj bijeli od hladnoće...
sve gubi svoju boju...
samo njene usne...
kao jesenje rujno vino...

u glavi odzvanja bezbroj glasova...
boreći se...
zaboravlja na sebe...

u stisnutoj šaci...
na ljepše vrijeme....
onda kada je ono i postojalo...
sada samo bezdan...

u njoj to više ne postoji...
nepoznati pojam...

srce zaplamti...
ali brzo se ugasi...
kao svijeća bez zraka...

samo hladnoća...

ne zna želi li postojati...
želi li živjeti...

ona blijedi...
isparava iz ovog svijeta...
kaplja rose na latici ruže...

...više ne postoji...

08.11.2007. | 21:44 | 22 Komentara | Printaj | * |


evo...ipak sam odlučila ponovno objaviti onaj post zbog nekih razloga koji nisu trenutno važni...
pozdrav svima...

04.11.2007. | 20:08 | 2 Komentara | Printaj | * |


prošli post sam obrisala iz osobnih razloga i nadam se da mi ne zamjerate...
zahvaljujem se na komentarima...
možda uskoro i napišem novi post...(to ovisi o jednoj stvari, nije bitno kojoj)...
pozdrav svima.... bye

PS: sretan rođendan! ...(zna onaj kome čestitam)...

04.11.2007. | 10:27 | 2 Komentara | Printaj | * |

...last night everiting has stopped...

sinoć....u onom jednom trenutku...nasred kupališta...pored ljuljačke...
i vrijeme je stalo...negove ruke oko mene...moja glava na njegovu ramenu...i sve je prestalo postojati....samo mi...i onaj hladni jesenji zrak..i miris suhog lišća pored rijeke prekrivene maglom...taj trenutak trajao je vječno...ali opet, tako je brzo završio... ali u tom sam se trenutku osjetila sigurnom...zaštićenom...i ponajprije, osjetila sam da nisam sama... vjetar mi je izokretao misli u glavi...misli u kojima je bio samo on... onaj nježan sramežljiv dodir... i ona tajanstvena tišina.... puna riječi koje se ne mogu izustiti... i nakon toga ništa se nije promijenilo....sve se promijenilo...
gdje će ciljati naši pogledi kada spazimo jedno drugo u daljini...koje misli će nam se motati po glavi...hoće li srce brže tući... hoće li se pojaviti onaj osjećaj...kako kažu "leptirići u trbuhu"... hoće... sada više nema povratka... uhvaćeni smo u ovoj stvarnosti koja je za nas prebolna... a u nama samo zbrka...a gdje je izlaz?... gdje je ono svijetlo koje donosi istinu...ono koje briše svu tamu...ono koje je ljubav.... ja zasada vidim samo tamu... i ne vidim izlaz... razum me davno napustio...shvatio je da ga baš i ne koristim previše... i sada opet ostajem sama...ja i moje misli... bez ikakve staze kojom mogu pobjeći... ostajem ovdje i suočavam se sa sobom i sa stvarnošću...

(ova priča je samo izljev davno potisnutih emocija i nema veze sa sadašnjim događajima ili ljudima iz mog života)

03.11.2007. | 08:51 | 30 Komentara | Printaj | * |


...i meni su proslijedili onu štafetu stoga moram nešto napisati o sebi....potrudila sam se biti najiskrenija što mogu...

5 stvari koje volim:
-osmijeh na licu dragog prijatelja

5 stvari koje ne volim:
-iskorištavanje drugih

5 stvari koje bih željela znati:
-što je to što mi zovemo Bogom
-što se dešava nakon smrti
-koja je moja svrha na ovom svijetu
-zašto se tako lako zaljubim
-zašto mi se događaju sve ove stvari u životu

5 stvari koje me fasciniraju:
-pravo, iskreno prijateljstvo
-moj optimizam

5 stvari koje želim:
-upoznati nekoga tko će okrenuti moj svijet naglavačke
-stjeći još iskrenih prijatelja (trenutno imam 2)
-upisati željeni faks (kad dođe vrijeme za to)
-provesti u djelo onu ideju o bendu
-biti u potpunosti zadovoljna sama sa sobom

5 stvari kojih se sramim:
-svoje naivnosti
-svoje vanjštine
-onoga što pokazujem da jesam,a zapravo sam nešto sasvim drugo
-svojih strahova
-svog užasnog zanovijetanja (nekad jednostavno počnem prigovarati, živcirati se, ali to nisam zbilja prava ja- na znam dali je uopće itko upoznao onu pravu mene)

...eto...to je to od mene... štafetu prosljeđujem : The Maniacu, v- emire, uličaru, izidoru, maloj plavoj Dijani....

to je za sad to... ispričavam se ako sam nekog zaboravila....

21.10.2007. | 11:36 | 32 Komentara | Printaj | * |

...again...the same life...the same darkness...

...i'm vanishing from this world, from this pain...slowly...imperceptible...

razmišljam...iz dana u dan...izgubljena...bez početka...bez kraja....
dani prolaze...prazni...neispunjeni...tužni...
katkad čujem onaj slatki glasić...prijateljski...
onaj koji me zove...onako nježno...
ali i on nestane...
i ostanem sama...
ja...i moje misli...sav strah koji držim u sebi....sva tuga...
sve neizrečene riječi...
i to boli...boli ta samoća...

"A moth into a butterfly and a lie into the sweetest truth
I'm so afraid of life
I try to call your name but I'm silanced by the fear of dying in your heart once again"

ne znam što želim...
imam sve što trebam...bar tako kažu...
prave prijatelje...one koji su uvijek tu...
podršku i ljubav u obitelji...
ali pored svega toga....nešto fali...
nešto duboko u meni....
postoji ta praznina... i samo čekam, čekam, iz dana u dan samo čekam...čekam nešto što će to popuniti...
i onda se trgnem....probudim se...i zaboravim...zaboravim na to što postoji....
zapravo, postoji li... ili je sve to samo rezultat moje mašte...
umišljam li ja ovaj život....sanjam li ga u nekom drugom životu....
ne znam...samo Bog zna...mnogi kažu da On ne postoji...da ga je stvorila ljudska potreba za osloncem...za nečim što će kriviti za ono loše...za nečim što će hvaliti za ono dobro...

"The world was on fire , no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you"

čudno...ali jedno ja znam... On postoji.... osjećam ga...tu je... pored mene... popunjava tu prazninu...
i sluša...samo sluša...i šuti...i bez ikakvih riječi...govori mi....i ja ga razumijem...
netko ovo ne razumije....nije mu jasno...glupo mu je....totalno bezveze..
ali meni je jasno....razumijem sve...jednostavno znam...
za ovo mogu reći da znam...bez suvišnih objašnjenja...
i sav onaj strah...još postoji...ali umijesto njega prevlada me nešto drugo... nešto toplo...
i onda osjetim sreću...onu čistu djetinju sreću...onu koja izaziva smijeh...onaj iskreni od srca....
i svijet je opet lijep...bar u mojim očima....još uvijek je tama....ali sada vidim svijetlo....ono koje me vodi....
znam...biti će još onih crnih, bolnih trenutaka...trenutaka samoće...
ali oni će proći...

(obećala sam da ću napisati post...nije ništa posebno...samo moja razmišljanja...)

i za kraj jedna jako lijepa pjesma:

Put sad wings around me now
Protect me from this world of sin
So that we can rise again

Oh angel,
We can find our way somehow
Escaping from the world we're in
To a place where we began
And I know we'll find
A better place and piece of mind
Just tell me that it's all you want
For you and me

Angel won't you set me free
Remember how we chased the sun
Then reaching for the stars at night
As our lives had just begun
When I close my eyes
I hear your velvet wings and cry
I'm waiting here with open arms
Oh can't you see
Angel shine your light on me

Angel we'll meet once more I'll pray
When all my sins are washed away
Hold me inside your wings and stay
Angel take me far away

Put sad wings around me now
Angel take me far away
Put sad wings around me now
So that we can rise again
Put sad wings around me now
Angel take me far away
Put sad wings around me now
So that we can rise again

20.10.2007. | 23:57 | 12 Komentara | Printaj | * |

...samo za jednog mog drugog frenda...

(koji ne voli YouTube, al neka...)

...Green Day...

...Boulevard Of Broken Dreams...

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But It's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
When the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh-Ah
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's f**ked up and every thing's all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh-Ah
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

...Jesus Of Suburbia...

I. "Jesus of Suburbia"
I'm the son of rage and love
The Jesus of Suburbia
The bible of "none of the above"
On a steady diet of
Soda pop and ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
'Least the ones I got away with
And there's nothin' wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In the land of make believe
That don't believe in me

Get my television fix
Sitting on my crucifix
In the living room
Or my private womb
While the moms and Brads are away
To fall in love and fall in debt
To alcohol and cigarettes
And mary jane to keep me insane
Doing someone else's cocaine
And there's nothin wrong with me
This is how i'm supposed to be
In the land of make believe
That don't believe in me

II. "City of the Damned"
At the center of the Earth in the parking lot
Of the Seven Eleven where I was taught
The motto was just a lie
It says "Home is where your heart is"
But what a shame
''cause everyone's heart doesn't beat the same
It's beating out of time

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
And no one really seems to care

I read the grafitti in the bathroom stall
Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall
And so it seemed to confess
It didn't say much but it only confirmed
That the center of the Earth
Is the end of the world
And I could really care less

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway

Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
And no on really seems to care

III. "I Don't Care"
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't care (x4)
I don't care!!!
Everyone's so full of shit
Born and raised by hypocrites
Hearts recycled but never saved
From the cradle to the grave
We are the kids of war and peace
From Anaheim to the Middle East
We are the stories and diciples of
The Jesus of Suburbia
Land of make believe and I don't believe in me
Land of make believe and I don't believe
And I DON'T CARE (ooh ooh ooh)(x5)

IV. "Dearly Beloved"
Dearly beloved are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were sayin'
Are we demented or am I disturbed?
The spaces in between insane and insecure

Oh therapy can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word and thats my best excuse

V. "Tales of Another Broken Home"
To live and not to breathe
Is to die in tragedy
To run, to run away
Is to find what you believe
And I leave behind this hurricane of f**kin' lies
I lost my faith to this
This town that don't exist
So I run, I run away
To the lights of masochists
And I leave behind this hurricane of f**kin' lies
And I walk this line
A million and one f**kin' times

I don't feel any shame
I won't apologize
When there ain't nowhere you can go
Runnin away from pain when you've been victimized
Tales from another broken.........HOME (you're leavin' x3)

...American Idiot...

Don't wanna be an American Idiot
Don't want a nation under the new mania
can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-f**k America
Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alienation
Where everything isn't meant to be OK
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who are meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

Well, maybe I'm the faggot America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where Everything isn't meant to be OK
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

Don't wanna be an American idiot
one nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
it's going out to idiot America

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where Everything isn't meant to be OK.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue


Say, Hey

Hear the sound of the falling rain,
Coming down like and Armageddon flame,
The shame,
The ones who died without a name,
Hear the dogs howling out of key,
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery",
And bleed the company lost the war to them

I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On Holiday

Hear the drum pounding out of time,
Another protester has crossed the line,
To find the money's on the other side,
Can I get another Amen? (Amen!)
There's a flag wrapped around a score of men,
A gag,
A plastic bag on a monument

I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On Holiday

The representative from California has the floor

Sieg Heil to the president gas man,
Bombs away is your punishment,
Pulverize the Eiffel towers,
Who criticize your government,
Bang, Bang goes the broken glass,
Kill all the fags that don't agree,
Trials by fire setting fire,
Is not a way that's meant for me,
Just cause,
Just cause because we're outlaws, yeah!

I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives,
I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

This is our lives on holiday

...Wake Me Up When September Ends...

Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my fathers come to pass,
Seven years has gone so fast,
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars,
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are.

As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost,
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends,

Ring out the bells again,
Like we did when Spring began,
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars,
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are.

As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost,
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my fathers come to pass,
Twenty years has gone so fast,
Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.

...She's A Rebel...

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous
She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink

From Chicago to Toronto
She's the one that they
Call old whatsername
She's the symbol
of resistance
and she's holding on my

Is she dreaming
what I'm thinking
Is she the mother of all bombs?
Gonna detonate
Is she trouble
like I'm trouble?
Make it a double
twist of fate
or a melody that

She sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings this liberation
that I just can't define
(well) Nothing comes to mind

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous
She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous
She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink

She's a rebel
She's a rebel
She's a rebel
And she's dangerous

...Extraordinary Girl...

She's an Extraordinary girl
In an ordinary world
And she cant seem to get away

He lacks the courage in his mind
Like a child left behind
Like a pet left in the rain

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She sees the mirror of herself
An image she wants to sell
To anyone willing to buy

He steals the image in her kiss
From her hearts apocalypse
From the one called whatsername

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
Some days it's not worth trying
Now that they both are finding
She gets so sick of crying

She's an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl

08.10.2007. | 13:14 | 32 Komentara | Printaj | * |

...samo za mog frenda...

...Ace Of Spades....by Motorhead...

If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man,
You win some, lose some, all the same to me,
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say,
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades

Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil,
Going with the flow, it's all the same to me,
Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you,
Double up or quit, double stake or split,
The Ace Of Spades

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live for ever,
And don't forget the joker!

Pushing up the ante, I know you wanna see me,
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again,
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die,
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be,
The Ace Of Spades

07.10.2007. | 13:05 | 5 Komentara | Printaj | * |

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.....razmišljanja jedne osobe uhvaćene u ovom vremenu, u ovoj sadašnjosti....


...blogovi koje čitam...

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mistery of 3


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...možete me zvati ...black angel... ...
....važne stvari o meni saznat će te preko mojih posteva...
nadam se da vam neće biti jako dosadni moji postevi...
potrudit ću se pisati i zanimljive i vesele stvari...

....ako ikoga išta dodatno o meni zanima....moj msn je:

...što slušam....

- Evanescence
- Helloween
- Iron Maiden
- Nirvana
- Guns 'n' Roses

Get Your Own Name Acronym